Learn About H-CAN — Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN)
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The Havertown-Area Community Action Network (H-CAN) brings together residents of Haverford Township and surrounding neighborhoods to promote equity, justice, inclusivity, and democracy.


We strive to create a welcoming community, state, and nation in which everyone is heard, valued, and able to thrive.


Human connection is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in collaborative, inclusive decision-making and intentional action. Our work is guided by the need to dismantle systems of oppression. With empathy, courage, and humility, we are committed to learning beyond our personal perspectives and enacting our mission even when it is difficult.

How We Operate:

H-CAN is an all-volunteer organization that advances our mission through advocacy, education, fundraising, public actions, social gatherings, grassroots lobbying, and more. All are invited to participate in our events and activities. We respect all ways of participating and work to make participation accessible to all. Members can use their skills and expertise in organizational support or leadership roles or join action groups that speak to their passions and priorities. Any member can start an action group on an issue, provided it fits into our mission and embraces our collective values. We encourage collaboration across action groups and often partner with other local leaders and organizations. When we work together, we build trust, strengthen community, and increase our impact.

Many H-CAN members prefer to meet in person to plan and then carry out actions.

Many H-CAN members prefer to meet in person to plan and then carry out actions.

Where we came from

H-CAN was born the day after the 2016 presidential election. A small network of friends, all concerned about the outcome of the election, formed a Facebook group to begin to take action. In less than one week, there were 40 of us meeting in a living room in Ardmore. We began to organize and identify several different areas of action we wanted to pursue.

An H-CAN member making a sign for the Show Up for Love rally after the tragic events of Charlottesville.

An H-CAN member making a sign for the Show Up for Love rally after the tragic events of Charlottesville.

Action Groups

Our core missions center around Action Groups. Action Groups create and host events and actions to which all other members of H-CAN are invited. If you have an interest or expertise in an area not covered by an Action Group, we invite you to start your own group!

Want to join an action group? Join H-CAN or for more information contact us

After a local mosque was threatened, H-CAN members and their children sent Ramadan cards to the mosque's congregation.

After a local mosque was threatened, H-CAN members and their children sent Ramadan cards to the mosque's congregation.